Robert I, Count of Dreux

French Monarchy
Direct Capetians
Hugh Capet
   Robert II
Robert II
   Henry I
   Robert I, Duke of Burgundy
Henry I
   Philip I
   Hugh, Count of Vermandois
Philip I
   Louis VI
Louis VI
   Louis VII
   Robert I of Dreux
Louis VII
   Marie, Countess of Champagne
   Alix, Countess of Blois
   Marguerite, Queen of Hungary
   Alys, Countess of the Vexin
   Philip II
   Agnes, Empress of Constantinople
Philip II
   Louis VIII
Louis VIII
   Louis IX
   Robert I, Count of Artois
   Alphonse, Count of Poitou and Toulouse
   Saint Isabel of France
   Charles I of Anjou and Sicily
Louis IX
   Philip III
   Robert, Count of Clermont
  Agnes, Duchess of Burgundy
Philip III
   Philip IV
   Charles III, Count of Valois
   Louis d'Evreux
   Margaret, Queen of England
Philip IV
   Louis X
   Philip V
   Isabella, Queen of England
   Charles IV
    Joan II of Navarre
    John I
    Joan III, Countess and Duchess of Burgundy
    Margaret I, Countess of Burgundy
    Isabella, Dauphine of Viennois
    Edward III of England
    Mary of France
    Blanche, Duchess of Orléans
Louis X
   Joan II of Navarre
   John I
John I
Philip V
Charles IV

Robert I of Dreux, (Robert I Capet) nicknamed the Great (c. 1123 – October 11, 1188), was the fifth son of Louis VI of France and Adélaide de Maurienne.[1] Through his mother he was related to the Carolingians and to the Marquess William V of Montferrat.

In 1137 he received the County of Dreux as an appanage from his father. He held this title until 1184 when he granted it to his son Robert II.

In 1139 he married Agnes de Garlande.[2] In 1145, he married Hawise of Salisbury.[3] By his third marriage to Agnes de Baudemont in 1152, he received the County of Braine-sur-Vesle, and the lordships of Fère-en-Tardenois, Pontarcy, Nesle, Longueville, Quincy-en-Tardenois, Savigny, and Baudemont.[4]

Robert I participated in the Second Crusade and was at the Siege of Damascus in 1148. In 1158 he fought against the English and participated in the Siege of Séez in 1154.


Marriages and children

1.Agnes de Garlande (1122–1143), daughter of Anseau de Garlande, count of Rochefort.[5]

2.Hawise of Salisbury (1118–1152), daughter of Walter Fitz Edward of Salisbury, Sheriff of Wiltshire

3.Agnes de Baudemont, Countess of Braine (1130 – c. 1202).[7]

The Sicilian chancellor Stephen du Perche may also have been a son (legitimate or not) of his.


16. Robert II of France
8. Henry I of France
17. Constance of Arles
4. Philip I of France
18. Yaroslav I of Kiev
9. Anne of Kiev
19. Ingegerd Olofsdotter
2. Louis VI of France
20. Dirk III, Count of Holland
10. Floris I, Count of Holland
21. Othelendis of Saxony
5. Bertha of Holland
22. Bernard II, Duke of Saxony
11. Gertrude of Saxony
23. Eilika of Schweinfurt
1. Robert I of Dreux
24. Otto, Count of Savoy
12. Amadeus II of Savoy
25. Adelaide of Susa
6. Humbert II of Savoy
26. Gerald, Count of Geneva
13. Joan of Geneva
27. Gisela of Geneva
3. Adelaide of Maurienne
28. Reginald I, Count of Burgundy
14. William I, Count of Burgundy
29. Adelaide of Normandy
7. Gisela of Burgundy
15. Etiennete


  1. ^ Medieval France: an encyclopedia, Ed. William W. Kibler, (Routledge, 1995), 305.
  2. ^ Michel, Edmond, Histoire de la ville de Brie-Comte-Robert, Vol.1, (Dujarric & Cie, 1902), 69.
  3. ^ Power, Daniel, The Norman frontier in the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, (Cambridge University Press, 2004), 239.
  4. ^ Power, 214.
  5. ^ Michel, Vol.1, 69
  6. ^ Power, 239.
  7. ^ Power, 214.
  8. ^ Gislebertus of Mons, Chronicle of Hainaut, Trans. Laura Napran, (Boydell Press, 2005), 110.
  9. ^ Gislebertus of Mons, 110
